Feb 2024 - Grant awarded to Citizens Advice
£5000 to help with ongoing work
Okehampton Town Council has a budget for the award of grants supporting community organisations and groups to the benefit of the residents of Okehampton. Grant applicants are also encouraged to apply to the Okehampton Hamlets Parish Council for funding.
The budget of £29,000 for the 2024-25 financial year has been fully expended and no further grant applications will be considered.
The Council has allocated a total of £29,000 for the 2025-26 financial year to cover grants, both large and small. A selection of the recipients can be seen below and a full list of grants awarded can be found in the Annual Reports. The procedure for applying for a grant can be found within the Grants Policy document below.
Grant applications are considered at meetings of the Policy and Resources Committee. Dates of meetings are posted on this website.
Grant applications must meet the criteria set out in the Grants Policy and applications for small grants only (not exceeding £500) must be made on the Town Council’s application form - see link below. The form can also be obtained from the Town Hall. Completed applications should be returned to the Finance Officer (accounts@okehampton.gov.uk). Please ensure you read the policy and procedure before submitting a grant request.
Applications will be acknowledged after receipt and notification of decision will normally be sent out within 10 working days of the relevant council meeting. All successful applicants are requested to complete a Feedback Form in order to ensure that grants have been expended to fulfil the stated aim.
Details of how to apply can be found on the website or from the office in the Town Hall.
At the beginning of the financial year, the council put aside unspent funds amounting to £2,896 from the 2023/24 Grant budget to be used this year for a pilot scheme - a Town Centre Business Grant Initiative. This grant will enable businesses to apply for funding to sprue up their shop fronts which will improve the overall look of the town centre.
WDBC have added to this grant pot by providing double the funds, increasing the amount available within the budget to £8,688.
This funding has to be spent within the next few months,
so businesses are encouraged to apply for funding as soon as possible.
The Policy and application form for this scheme can be found below or obtained from the Council offices. Applicants should also take into account WDBC's criteria which is as follows:
£5000 to help with ongoing work
Awarded a grant of £1000 towards the continuation of the service they provide
award a grant of £490 for the purchase of Carol books and music folders.
A grant of £3,500 towards the maintenance of the museum and £1,500 to assist with the running of the tourist information facility.
A grant of £500 towards the costs of the event on 16th July 2023.
A grant of £500 towards events celebrating Wren Music’s 40th Anniversary
A grant towards the Fields in Trust Celebrations
A grant to purchase a tree plants and compost in celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III
A grant towards the wellbeing project
a grant towards the purchase of smoke alarms, heat detectors and Pat Testing the Scout hut
A grant for management costs of the allotments
A grant towards hosting a fairtrade event
A grant towards the cost of new security bolts and wires
A grant towards ongoing maintenance of the town clock and chimes
A grant towards the purchase of the pool table
A grant towards the running cost of the volunteer car service scheme
A grant towards the renewal of strimming/brushcutting training costs
A grant towards the cost of the annual insurance premium
A grant towards the of Makaton communication programme
A grant towards the development of resources and delivery of support and services
A grant for venue hire costs
A grant towards maintenance and renewal fund
A grant for training volunteers based in the Okehampton office
A grant towards to the cost of the carnival
A grant towards the cost of the venue hire for the coffee group
A grant towards the cost of hiring the hall for weekly dance sessions
A grant towards the cost of the music day including the funding of musicians, the PA and productions costs and promotion.
A grant towards the purchase of a lightweight stretcher and spinal insert
A grant towards the purchase of bark chippings for the flooring of a living willow dome and tunnel, topsoil for raised beds and a wheel barrow.
A grant towards the cost of replacement equipment, bats, nets court surrounds and scoreboards.
A grant towards the maintenance of the museum and a grant to assist with the running of the Tourist Information Facility.
A grant towards the purchase of a plaque commemorating the role Okehampton played during WWII and after when the town became the location of the Polish Naval Training Camp and Resettlement Centre
A grant towards the costs of the Fields in Trust Day
A grant towards the costs of the lantern procession
A grant towards the cost of hosting a visit for representatives from Craon
A grant towards craft supplies and new toys and books
A grant towards the cost of transport for a camping trip
A grant towards the cost of speakers and room hire
A grant towards the cost of coaching qualification courses
A grant towards a new team kit
A grant towards the cost of sensory items
A grant towards chalkboards, whiteboards and a storage shed
A grant towards the cost of providing an allotment site
A grant towards the cost of reception staffing
A grant towards the cost of providing support services
A grant towards the cost of monthly speakers
A grant towards the cost of insurance and health and safety equipment
A grant to assist with the cost of wellbeing activities, room hire and refreshments
A grant towards providing hall hire and refreshments
A grant towards noticeboard repair
A grant towards a visit to legoland
A grant for the production of a leaflet
A grant towards the cost of repairs and renewals
A grant towards the cost of the Christmas lights
A grant towards the cost of hosting the carnival
A grant towards the purchase of 2 flight simulators
A grant to help with the running costs
A grant towards teh maintenance of the church clock
A grant towards the costs of beating the bounds
A grant for the purchase of blood glocise monitor and auto blood pressure kit
A grant for the promotion and running costs of the event
A grant for the continued maintenace of the museum and to assist with the Tourist Information point
A grant for £500 for the park run
Cllr Bob Tolley presenting a cheque to the Dartmoor Life Museum while helping ot reopen the museum after it closed due to the pandemic
A grant of £1,000 was awarded towards the cost of the provision of Christmas lights in the town.
A grant of £500 was awarded towards the Trust's repairs and renewals fund for 2020/21.
A grant of £497 was awarded for the purchase of a laptop to for work club users.
A grant of £350 was awarded towards the cost of the purchase of exhibition banners and publicity materials for events in Okehampton, subject to the project going ahead in the 2020/21 financial year.
A grant of £200 was awarded to Okehampton Fairtrade Group to support a Fairtrade Schools Conference being hosted at Okehampton Primary School with invitations to other schools within the Dartmoor Academy.
The Town Council awarded a grant of £200 to assist with the cost of Safeguarding training for up to ten volunteers.
The Council awarded a grant of £500 to Devon Young Carers to fund the attendance of 3 young carers from the Okehampton area at a weekend residential of the annual Young Carers Festival
The Town Council awarded a grant of £1,500 to Everything Okehampton towards the provision, insurance, maintenance costs and safety check relating to the Christmas lights.
A grant of £500 was awarded to 2443 Okehampton Squadron RAF Air Cadets towards the cost of the purchase of 3 laptops and 8 tablets for use by Cadets for their training, lessons, research and exams.
The Town Council awarded a grant of £2,000 to Okehampton District Community Transport Group towards the purchase of a new 15-seater mini-bus
A grant of £500 was awarded to Okehampton United Ecclesiastical Charity towards the cost of maintaining the clock on St James Chapel
The Town Council awarded a grant of £500 to the Okehampton Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club towards the cost of flyers, flag and banner, website and hosting for the advertising and promoting of the club
A grant of £500 was awarded towards the cost of insuring the equipment held by the Duke of Edinburgh Award group
The Town Council awarded a grant of £500 to Okehampton Community Archives towards the purchase of a new photocopier and ink and assistance with rent and ongoing costs
A grant of £500 was awarded to Okement Rivers Improvement Group towards the running costs incorporating insurance, training and purchase of litter pickers, bags and the maintenance of seats
A grant of £3,500 was awarded to the Museum of Dartmoor Life to support the maintenance of the Museum and £1,500 to assist with the running of the tourist information facility.
The Town Council awarded a grant of £500 as a contribution to the Trust's repairs and renewals fund for 2019/20
A grant of £4,000 was awarded to Citizens Advice to support the work of the group in Okehampton
£500 was awarded to Wren Music to help fund the workshops as part of the Okehampton Lanterns project
A grant of £250 was awarded to Okehampton Fairtrade Group to assist in funding events during Fairtrade Fortnight